Are baby monitors safe? This is a question that many parents ask, and the answer is not always clear. Some experts say that there is no need to worry about radiation from baby monitors, while others claim that there is cause for concern. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the issue of baby monitor radiation and try to shed some light on the debate.

Do baby monitors emit radiation?

Yes. Baby monitors emit microwave radiation, which is very similar to the radiation emitted by cell phones and cordless phones. The US FCC limits household appliances to 1.6 W/kg of microwave emissions, but actual emissions are much greater. When you hold a baby monitor next to your body, you expose yourself to about 50x more radiation than is allowed.

Audio monitors and video baby monitors that use wifi or non-wifi technologies emit radiation as they use radio frequencies to emit radio signals from the baby to the parent unit of the baby monitor.

How much radiation do baby monitors emit?

The FCC limit is 1.6 W/kg of microwave emissions, but actual emissions vary between different types of baby monitors. Some emit more than others. Cordless phones and cell phones produce 3-5 times less radiation than the lowest emitting monitor (600 mW vs ~200 mW). Although this is still much more radiation than the FCC limit, it is important to keep in mind that exposure to cell phone and cordless phone frequencies (900 MHz and 5.8 GHz) has been linked with an increased risk of brain tumors.

Well, it’s a fact that baby monitors can emit radiation. In order to understand whether this is a potential hazard or not, we have to figure out how much radiation they produce and what type of radiation they release. Baby monitor frequencies are usually in the range of 2.4 GHz, which falls within the microwave frequency band. This means that microwave radiation is emitted by baby monitors. Studies show that the radiation produced by microwaves can cause damage to DNA, leading to cancerous tumors and other health problems.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned that there are no known safe levels of microwave radiation for children, because their young bodies are still developing. Moreover, studies have shown that children absorb twice as much microwave radiation as adults. This suggests that holding a baby monitor too close to your child could be extremely dangerous.

Do other household appliances produce the same radiation?

Yes, many other household appliances also emit microwaves at 2.4 GHz, including cordless phones and wireless routers. So do cell phones and smart meters. However, the amount of radiation they produce is much less than that of baby monitors. Most experts believe that other household appliances also carry a certain level of danger, but the likelihood and severity of health problems depend on how long someone is exposed to this type of microwave radiation.

If cell phones and cordless phones generate around 100 times less microwave radiation than baby monitors, then why are these other appliances considered safe? The answer lies in the frequency of their radiation, not the intensity. Most household appliances that emit microwave radiation produce frequencies that are 1 GHz or lower. This is hundreds or thousands of times lower than baby monitor frequencies.

So should you be worried about this type of radiation?

Scientific studies have found that there is insufficient data to say for certain whether the levels of microwave radiation produced by household appliances are safe. The problem with these types of radiation is that the FCC does not easily allow scientists to test them, because they fall within a frequency range that holds a lot of commercial value. However, governments in other European countries have started imposing stricter regulations on household appliances, particularly cell phones and cordless phones. Some studies have found a link between microwave radiation from household appliances and cancer, but the evidence is inconclusive.

What level of emf radiation is allowed in the US?

The US FCC allows household appliances to emit up to 1.6 W/kg of microwave radiation, or around 500mW total. If you hold a baby monitor close enough to your body, it will exceed these limits by a large margin (around 50x more intense than the allowed level).

What about cordless phones?

Telephone frequencies are in the range of 900 MHz, which means they emit electromagnetic radiation that is over a thousand times weaker than baby monitor frequencies. In fact, exposure to this type of radiation from cordless phones has been linked with an increased risk of brain tumors. Cordless phone emissions are also limited by government regulations, but some studies have shown that certain cordless phones emit more radiation than others.

How can I minimize baby monitor exposure?

Because of the dangers associated with microwave radiation, many people have started using corded baby monitors instead. Cordless monitors produce much more intense radiation and expose you to this type of microwave radiation constantly (even when no one is on the phone). However, even a corded baby monitor can emit a certain level of microwave radiation. Therefore, it’s best not to hold the cordless receiver next to your body when you are on the phone. Make sure that anyone who talks on the phone stands at least 2 feet away from the monitor (and your child).

Do baby monitors cause Cancer?

The World Health Organization has indicated that there are over 200 scientific studies linking microwave radiation with cancer. However, these studies cannot definitively link baby monitor frequencies or other household appliances with cancer. Most experts believe that the likelihood and severity of your health problems depend on how long you are exposed to this type of radiation.

FCC recommendation on mounting baby monitor far from baby

When using a baby monitor, the FCC recommends keeping the monitor at least 20 cm away from your baby’s crib. If you have a cordless phone in your home, make sure that it is not placed next to your child’s crib or other locations where an infant might sleep. The same applies if you have a cordless phone base station in your home. Finally, do not keep a cell phone in your child’s bedroom or carry it in your pocket on the same side as where you keep the baby monitor receiver.

What does this mean for me?

If you are concerned about microwave radiation, but still want to let your child listen to his favorite lullabies through a baby monitor, consider using a corded monitor that does not produce any radiation whatsoever. Also, make sure that no one talks on the phone with the monitor right next to their body (instead of keeping it across the room). Although there is no conclusive evidence linking baby monitor frequencies or other household appliances with cancer, you should take precautions if you are concerned about the health risks.